Saturday 22 May 2010

writing FAIL

I would like to write as fast as i could think, coding my thoughts into language at a quicker process, think of the right words without having to pause for ages trying to think what THAT WORD that fits perfectly into this gap is. Perfectly explain Queer Theory to bigots. Explain my conceptual ideas that often i can't even begin to explain.

It is clear that i need to continue to push myself in talking and reading so that my vocab keeps being topped up and these words aren't seen as collections of characters put together to form 'words' which are used in conjunction with phonemes in speech to create language. They are a tool for expression and i must grasp this with passion test myself and continue to grow.

Book attempting to read: Foucault's The History of Sexuality 1:The will to knowledge


Group work is ridiculously difficult in both drama and film
the amount of creative people skills you have to exhort are ridiculous mostly i would say tolerance and compromise. As i go into my last week of devising my final year performance i contemplate how differently we should have done things. How we should of spent more time improvising rather than random trips for pub lunch and arguing over things we mostly agree on.
I hate some of the moments we've worked together but i know i also have some amazing interesting crazy people to call friends.
It's been am odd process but i hope this final 5 days do us all proud

Monday 10 May 2010


I read Ultra culture 's blog nearly every day since its pretty much the best movie blog i've come across, funny, entertaining, informative to an extent and an update on the trailers you actually want to see on the side bar.

I was casual reading it yesterday and saw this was going to be the next film screening they were hosting

Trash Humpers not the most inviting title but pretty intriguing non the less took a look at it creeped me out so i thought... i need to see it plus it is by the same guy that did Gummo (A film i've been meaning to see for for ages). I like interesting different films like this something showing some individuality, something that makes you feel something that you've never felt or feel uncomfortable because :) (So need to read Artaud's Theatre of Cruelty)

Must must must see more films, been letting down the side
human centipede anyone?

Wednesday 5 May 2010

start of a beginning

Just finished my dissertation on tuesday and had quite a good night celebrating it/ few days
2nights out 2 nights in :( 1 theatre trip to see some cool new work at the BAC

So what is there left to do at uni?
1 small essay & a performance one massive 45 minute devised piece which is just about to take over my life for the next 3 weeks

This brings me on to devising and performing group work and my own pieces which i hope to talk about in the next few blog entries.

It feels like the end of uni is near and i don't like it for various reasons but mostly friends, need money, need job have no clearer idea what i'm doing for the rest of the year. But then again i can always think of it of new building blocks to play with :)