Friday 24 September 2010

Little Tombstones

I have just got a new job, like most of my jobs so far its in catering.

And from previous experience and this present one there is always this weird endeavour to be better/being more personal to customers satisfy there every need but also to clean up after customers as soon as humanly possible.

Everyday you clean the same place the same tables, cutlery, make the same food in the same pots and pans. The 'rubbish' is cleaned off the tables and the last trace of that customer is vanished. Surely if they truly valued customers contributions, cafes and restaurants would make sure they were remembered not just disposed of. They are otherwise just a number a unrespected provider of fortune.

I was also reading Choke, by Chuck Palahniuk, at the time, one of the characters Denny collects stones 'it's like rocks are a kit. It's land, but with some assembly required...landownership '
He stores the stones in the house but as he brings several home everyday the collection becomes overwhelming so he starts to build something with the stones he's collected with no plans of the final structure the process continues. It is an ongoing building think 'Tantric Architecture' 'It's a process its not about getting something done...Every rock is a tombstone, a little monument to each day where the work most people do just evaporates or expires or becomes instantly outdated the moments it's done...the only thing we don't know is how this will turn out. And what's more we don't want to know'

One of my friends who has just been to America recently put up some photos and this reminded me again of this idea of a building in process. This one being covered by chewing gum and anything that can be stuck to it.

My Cafe proposal is an empty space with a bar selling food and drink. The walls are covered with tubes, wires (where waste food and liquids flow around to be recycled within the grounds of the site ) with one wall made up of a series of empty boxes which is where cutlery is disposed sometimes recycled other times made permanent fixtures. It is essentially a eco cafe with an ever changing landscape a building that didn't stop being outside and inside past present and future constantly emerging, to no specific goal just a being that respects its participants and its surroundings.

Any suggestions/other examples would be much appreciated


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