Friday 1 January 2010

The Good Natured

I have listened to this girl's music for over 2 years now, and i have to say she keeps getting better and better. Shes a minimalist electro girl with a eye for a beat and a intelligent lyricist. To compare her i would probably say Kate Nash is the nearest i can think of but without the fake cocker-ney accent (Sarah is definatly more articulate) and clumsy meaningless lyrics. Her style itself gives her absolute control over the overall sound building up the layers which can easily be seen in the difference between Warriors and the new song Red Skin . You clearly see the progression she has made as an artist and this is not to say her early work wasn't good but you can see her development of sound as well as the use of her new band.
Her latest effort is Red Skin which starts with a very drony vocal from sarah which seems almost a turn off but give it time to present itself and your'll surelly love the build up to the' i can't believe how good this is' chorus. It makes you appreciate each note perfectly played and mixed together till a europhic finale. It is the first song that features her new band and thank god shes had the time by herself to work musically so you can appreciate every note.The song itself seems to be about bearing yourself to your partner in a very self concious state but seriously hear the song on her myspace think it'll better explain it. If i were to rate it i would probably be 4 and a half stars because i know she'll progress and then that 5 star rating will be pointless.

It seems she is getting a bit of a following by the media first by the Guardian, ElectroQueer then NME its only time before she is on Radio 1 otherwise there is much injustice. Hopefully it might be her year this year. Surelly she can get a record deal.

"We can't wait to hear what she does next!"

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