Wednesday 13 January 2010

The Sugar Diet

Teeth operation day:
-Mouth still numb - put it like this if I tried to snog you my lips would go in any direction they wanted and you'd have a big pile of slobber on your face.
-My mum is making fish pie, it smells so good but i'll have to wait a few hours before i can sample her efforts.

Overall i'm feeling rather odd, my Mouth feels like i've got a lip transplant from Pete Burns

But i have this werid sense of optimism that somehow this year may finally completly turn my world to the better. Thats only if i don't give up - this comes an hour from the dentist saying you need to give up sugar otherwise you won't have any teeth left - scary stuff. So it really is make or break.

Just looked up if alcohol has much sugar in it. It doesn't but:
'the sugar content in most alcoholic drinks, including beer, can really damage your enamel. Some beverages, such as sweet wines or mixed drinks involving sodas or citrus juices, can be even worse, adding a high acidity to the equation.'
So no nice tasty alcoholic beverages for me then :( As well as this I need to look up every type of shot to make sure it doesn't contain sugars. Better get looking up


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