Wednesday 7 July 2010


Job hunting got off to a slow start today not many CV's handed out (4 i think) though went round around 10 places no where seemed to have many vacancies.
Got distracted mostly by meeting up with a friend and goin to Notts castle trying to be a bit cultured and ending up just walking through most of the exhibitions cus they are the same things I saw when I went there @ 5 yearS old (So they're at least 15 years old). We even paid 50p for an exhibition of some of the props from the latest Robin Hood upon entering we quickly got bored since we hadn't even seen the film + the exhibition itself was just one room = waste of money.

Other than that i had a pretty boring day though i did see a pensioner staring out his front room hands pressed against the windowsill arms up as our bus stopped he looked really disapprovingly at everything in his eye line (including me), probably a Daily Mail reader. Then the house next to him a Dog in the same position with a naive look in his eye looked out and looked over at him, how odd, made me giggle as if the dog was like what the hell are you doing

Tommorrow: Hopefully go to Gym (if i can find my membership card)+ hand out more glorious CV's


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