Monday 5 July 2010

Continum of Bull

I've been back home for just under a week now. And it's time i really knuckle down. The thing is i've been neglecting the most important fact.


and i really really really need one.

No Uni to fall back onto now its the friggin Real World and I need the cash

So Tommorrow my CV will finally be published and Distributed to waiting employers ready to be arse licked by me into giving me an Okish Retail or Catering job.

And for extra publicity my number is 07875210851 (Though contact may vary depending on whether I gave a false number)

In other News I've got my first session at the Gym tomoro with Dad in tow to guide me round should be exciting its got jacuzzi's, saunas and swimming pool too which is a much welcome Extra given the Heat at the moment.

Other Top News Stories Include:

1. Amanda Bynes has recently confirmed she is quitting acting - Something I didn't really care about but thought was quite amusing since she blatantly can't act unless you consider the combination of shouting and gurning Oscar worthy . Don't get me wrong though, I did like The Amanda Show and her ridiciulousness its just she expects everyone to care even though she isn't even tabloid worthy fodder.

2. The Cheeky Girls will be performing at Nottingham Pride - Amazing how they have stretched a three minute audition into a life long career. Can't wait to see them gonna be Funny as.

Currently Trying to Read: Fashion + Perversity: A Life of Vivienne Westwood and the sixties laid bare by Fred Vermorel

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